..Oh sure, I do suffer from exhibitionistic feelings, too..
Dear visitor! Welcome to my homepage, I'm delighted to be your host and guide through this site.
As you already may have guessed, my name is Eva. My second one is Helena and my third and last one Assink, which is my family name as well. (It was only recently I realised all who do understand a sufficient amount of the English language may find my family name a quite funny one: Ass-ink! :) Although I'm happy to be called as I actually am, regarding my first names, I'm always musing over fantasy names which could probably suit me better..or names I got to know through the past years..Like Ruska, Thalia, Talitha, Sanna, Tiitta, Trewyn..It depends on my mood which name I'd like to be called- and in case I just don't know, I find myself dwelling in my own created magical dreamworld, being either a faery or an elf..
I live in the western part of Siberia, also known as Holland as I'm descandant of the Canenefates, though I feel more connected with the Romans. I do share a big, beautiful house with my beloved ones: mother Ans (49), father Egbert (55), brother Jelle (16) and guinea-pig Shiva (3). I myself am alive since 19 spring-times now (oftewel: ik ben 19 lentes jong, dat klinkt mooier!), and I was born under the Pisces (3-3-1980).Our house is situated in the western part of the land, in a little town called Mons Fortis. When awake, I study some practical kind of pedagogy- actually I want to become Schoolmiss for 4 or 5 years or so, then quit and study psychology, as human behaviour is the thing which fascinates me most of all.
I've got plenty of obsessions, passions, likes and sympathies - but I feel this is not the right place to talk about them. Check out my obsession-link..
Thank thou again for having come to my site- enjoy it and have a good travel..
Obsessions, passions and the things that 'merely' bring delight..
Glitterfacepaint made by Triskell, summer ‘98
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My brother Jelle asleep when he was only 3 years old!! I was 7 then.